Impact Invest Center
What we do

What we do

The Livin Foundation, through it´s founder, has its roots in household services, handymen work and personal development.

As our founder herself has in her own life story, experienced coming to Sweden, with more or less nothing at all, she do know that life can take turns. Also, she knows how hard it can be taking the heavy steps back to a life to be comfortable with.

We truly believe in goodness.We want people to feel good and live their lives to the fullest. That is why we offer holistic solutions for people’s everyday lives.


Let us give you an example of what we do:

“Some time ago, something happened in your life that changed your life situation dramatically. It could be a loved one who has suddenly passed away, a diagnosis of illness that you were not prepared for, or really anything that affected you and your everyday life more than you wanted.”

“Since that day, you have not been yourself. You have lost control of your home and your everyday life. You do not have the energy or motivation to clean the house, and of course not to put up those shelves in the kitchen, which have been in the hallway for almost six months.”

“During this time you have entered a negative spiral and you feel that you have ended up in a depression. Along with the depression you have also lost control of your social life. You no longer hangout with anyone, you spend your days alone, alone in your home, in a dilapidated environment.”

Well, this is where we could step in...

With the help of our roots in cleaning, we can help by offering a cleaning subscription.
Along with that, we could, through our roots in handyman services, offer help in creating a sustainable home environment, create storage solutions and set up the shelves in the kitchen.

In addition we could, with the help of our roots in personal development, offer you a subscription with a personal adviser…

…to create your own unique life plan, and set goals together with you, to make you take the steps back into life again.
Lastly, with the help of our wonderful partners, we are able to offer scheduled meetings with other people. Maybe for a coffee or a bowling night?

This is of course just an example.

The picture obviously looks very different from situation to situation. We all have different needs, and therefore we always adapt the help, according to you and your situation.
You see. As we work with giving, we see no limitations.Thanks to our partners, networks and fantastic volunteers, we try our best to always offer the best possible help that´s needed to those who seek it from us.

No mather what.